We look forward to seeing you at our on-site service! To ensure the safety of our church family and our team members, seating is limited at this time. Please review the following details:


  • Review our Church Re-Opening Guidelines down below and ensure you're ready to honor them.


  • Sign up for you and all members of your household who plan to attend (including kids). Seating up to 5 people.
  • Save/Print the confirmation email you receive - you will need this when you arrive at church

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Before You Attend

  • People considered vulnerable to COVID-19, those over the age of 65 or those with compromised immune systems are strongly encouraged to participate in our online gathering until Phase 4. Volunteers in this “vulnerable” category are also strongly recommended not to serve until Phase 4. 
  • We ask that you “self-check” to help us stay healthy by taking your own family’s temperature in the morning prior to coming to church. If anyone in the family has a temperature above 100.4 F, we ask that you worship online.  
  • We ask that you stay home if you have any COVID-19 symptoms within the last 48-hours or have been exposed to anyone with COVID-19 symptoms in the past 7 days.
  • Information on COVID-19 symptoms can be found via the CDC website.

What TLC Church Will Look Like When You Arrive

It’s our goal that you feel safe and comfortable when you arrive at TLC Church and have a great experience. Here are some changes you may notice when you arrive:

  • Following the Center for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines, we will have a new flow of traffic at TLC until further notice. Follow ushers guideline when you arrive at the building.
  • Temperature checks will be taken prior to entry.
  • Masks are required for everyone (ages 5 and older) in the building. We will provide masks for anyone who may arrive unprepared.  
  • For the comfort of everyone who attends, we will refrain from handshakes and hugs and maintain a six-foot distance. Seats will also be set up accordingly - please do not move. 
  • We will continue to promote our key events, ministries, and sign-up opportunities online and through our website. Handouts will not be provided.  
  • Restrooms will be available for a maximum of two people at a time. In the event of a line, please social distance in the marked areas.
  • Food and beverage will not be served and the water fountain will not be available until further notice.  

What TLC Church Will Look Like Inside the Auditorium  

Our goal is to provide a quality worship experience for everyone.

  • We will host a 10.30 am family-style gathering with no children’s ministries/nursery.   
  • As we maintain a 6-ft. social distance between households during the gathering, Ushers will seat you accordingly. With distancing, the MPR will can accommodate approximately 60 people. Seating will be marked for your convenience and ushers will assist. 
  • Meet and greet times, passed offerings, communion stations and distribution, water baptisms, prayer teams, and the prayer wall will be put on pause until we adjust to these new realities.